M HKArt Circle

M HKArt Circle is made up of a select group of art lovers and collectors. Thanks to M HKArt Circle, you can meet like-minded people and share your passion for art, discover unique collections, expand your network, shape potential collaborations or make contacts.
For members of M HKArt Circle, we open doors that would otherwise remain closed. At least three times a year, you will get the opportunity to participate in an exclusive art event. And at least one of these activities will always be a foreign trip during which art encounters are central: we want to bring you very close to contemporary art and its artists.
During these activities, both at home and abroad, you’ll have the chance to get to know prestigious locations and to meet inspiring people. For example, in 2015 M HKArt Circle went on an exclusive trip to the Italian cities Turin and Biella, where we visited the artist Michelangelo Pistoletto. Moscow too has been a destination of M HKArt Circle. There, the company visited the 6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art for which Bart De Baere, M HKA’s director, was appointed as curator.
In 2016, we traveled to London and the Cotswolds and had exclusive visits with leading art galleries. Later that year, we made a trip to Texas and visited, among other things, the Judd Foundation in Marfa. In 2017, under the guidance of general director Bart De Baere, we organized a fascinating art visit to Athens on the occasion of the opening of the first contemporary art museum in Athens (EMST). Also, in the spring, there was a trip to the Documenta Kassel and Skulptur Projecte Münster. Later in the season we also organized a day trip to St. Martens-Latem and Ostend, with a guided tour of the Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, the museum Gust de Smet, the private collection Van Moerkerke and a studio visit with artist Yves Velter. In the fall, members can take part in an exclusive art trip to Japan which focuses on developments in contemporary art and architecture in the Japanese cultural scene, without, however, forgetting the many historical sites. In recent years, there have been several encounters and studio visits with leading contemporary artists such as Koen van den Broeck and Jan Fabre.
M HKArt Circle has an extremely participatory character. Members have a say in the activities and in the approach the group will take. Your contribution can serve as inspiration for further developing the vision of contemporary Flemish art institutions.
M HKArt Circle is targeted towards a smaller group. You can take part in our three exclusive events. Any additional costs connected to the activities will be charged separately.
The costs of these activities are charged separately. With your financial support, the M HKArt Circle makes a substantial contribution to the operation of the museum. The extra support makes it possible to develop new projects and to put our museum further on the Flemish and international map. With this financial support, M HKArt Circle makes a substantial contribution to the workings of the museum. The extra support makes it possible to develop educational projects, to further develop activities with target groups or to realise specific purchases.
To become a member of M HKArt Circle, please contact:
M HKA – Ingrid Schildermans
Relationship Management and Events
Leuvenstraat 32
2000 Antwerp
T 03 260 80 94
E ingrid.schildermans@muhka.be