Action LAB
Starting from the pupils’ experience, during the lab a creative challenge with oneself and the group is met, in a mix of visual and physical actions. The actions are part of the lab, without being ends in themselves. The Performance Lab stands for experimentation and exploration, which is what we want to communicate to the children. Children learn the notion of ‘performance’ and experiment with ‘performing’. In the lab, the various fields of musical education (image, music, drama, dance and media) come together. The lab lends itself to the development of social skills and musical attitudes.
For school groups applying for a guided tour, M HKA is open from Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 on. (A touch of independence, and the ability to watch other children, is important in the exploration process.)
- For de 4e à la 6e
- Duration: 2h30
- Price: €8 per person
Reservation is required, at least two weeks in advance.