Sie sollten in Ruhe weiterarbeiten – 50 years of Dead Letters
28 Jan - 30 Apr 2023

The oeuvre of Antwerp-based artist Denmark has for more than 50 years been a search for simplicity and essence. He recycles and transforms discarded information carriers such as books, magazines and newspapers into visual artworks. He wages a symbolic and existential battle against the incessant stream of opinions and news events in the mass media. The more (dis-)information, fake news or alternative facts, the greater the chance for misguidedness.
To mark the 50th anniversary of his artistic career, M HKA is organising a collection presentation featuring four of Denmark’s installations. With his ‘quiet’ tablets and installations, the artist creates a gap between looking and understanding, between recognition and alienation. The installation Daily Dust contains dust of pulverised printed matter and is displayed in the museum’s reading room.