Philosophical Café with Nástio Mosquito & Gideon Hakker
31 Oct 2024, 18:30 - 20:30

What does it mean to be on the ‘right’ side of history? Nástio Mosquito inspires us to reflect on the difference between truth and lies, between certainty and clarity. A week before the American elections, these topics are more urgent than ever.
Artist Nástio Mosquito invites us to explore these differences through his exhibition King of Klowns. In this context, we invite you to join our Philosophical Café, in the presence of the artist, moderated by philosopher Gideon Hakker.
Gideon Hakker employs the methodology of philosophical discussion, rooted in the Enlightenment and French salon culture. We will briefly visit the exhibition King of Klowns, consider the questions it raises for us, and collectively choose which question we will discuss. While enjoying a snack or drink (which we can first get at the M HKAFE), we will engage in dialogue in the reading room on the ground floor.
Everyone is welcome to participate, whether you are a quiet listener, a chatterbox, or a well-read philosopher. The philosophical café is for anyone who enjoys being stimulated in their thinking.
This activity is free. Would you like to participate? Please register in advance by emailing