Dora García – She Has Many Names I Performances & activities
5 Feb - 21 May 2023

As part of the exhibition She Has Many Names by artist Dora García, M HKA offers a unique performance, screening and activity programme, including a philosophical café, reading sessions and guided tours by experts. The programme is updated every month.
From Wednesday to Sunday 14.00 – 17.00
Two Planets Have Been Colliding for Thousands of Years
The Labyrinth of Female Freedom
Little object < a >
The Messenger
The Sphinx
Special performances
Saturday 6 May, 17:00
The Drawing on the Floor performed by Geoffrey Carrey (scripted performance)
Sunday 7 May,17.00 Real Artists Don’t Have Teeth performed by Geoffrey Carey, Lyn Diniz, Michelangelo Miccolis and nick von kleist
Saturday 13 May, 14.00-17.00
The Black Veil (durational performance)
Thursday 18 May, Friday 19 May, Saturday 20 May and Sunday 21 May, 15:00
The Artist Without Works
Friday 19 May, 17.00
Best regards from Charles Filch performed by Peter Aers
Saturday 6 May, 14.00 – 15.30
Meet Me @ M HKA, a special tour for people with dementia and their caregiver on the notion of time
Sunday 14 May, 14.00
Reading together session with children’s books on feminism
Saturday 20 May, 14.00
Guided tour by Aaron Schuster
As part of Antwerp Art Weekend
Aaron Schuster is a philosopher and writer, who lives in Amsterdam. He has worked with Dora and commented on her work in the past, and their research trajectories often intersect, particularly regarding psychoanalysis, the history of alternative therapies and the philosophy and politics of mental health, and Bolshevik feminism. His tour will highlight these aspects of her work, involving Oscar Masotta, Jacques Lacan, the Joycean Society, Mad Marginal, and Alexandra Kollontai.
Aaron has taught at many art schools, including PARTS and the Sandberg Institute, and has held a number of fellowships and visiting professorships. He is currently working on the project “Radical Therapies” at the Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry at the University of Chicago, and is the editor of e-flux Notes. He has written on such topics as the history of levitation, the philosophy of tickling, breakups, complaining, the psychopathology of AI, the comedy of Ernst Lubitsch, the theater of Jean Genet, Andrei Platonov’s Anti-Sexus, Alexandra Kollontai’s Bolshevik feminism, and swimming in Franz Kafka. He is the author of The Trouble with Pleasure: Deleuze and Psychoanalysis (MIT, 2016) and co-author of Sovereignty, Inc.: Three Inquiries in Politics and Enjoyment (University of Chicago, 2019). His book How to Research Like a Dog: Kafka’s New Science is forthcoming later this year from MIT Press.
Saturday 20 May, 15.30
Book launch Inserts in Real Time. Dora García, Performance Work 2000–2023
& Launch of the Magazine Girls Like Us #14: Letters of Disappointment As part of Antwerp Art Weekend
Inserts in Real Time is the first monograph dedicated to the performance work of the artist Dora García from the past twenty years. At the heart of this book is a Chronology of all García’s performances to date—listed, illustrated, described, and contextualized. This body of work is framed by three newly commissioned texts—by art historian Sven Lütticken, performance theorist Bojana Cvejić, and Dora García herself, as well as new a conversation between the artist and curator Joanna Zielińska. An Appendix of Selected Scripts makes this archive an especially vivid relay of her decades of public experimentation, provocation, and activation.
The publication accompanies Dora García’s exhibition She Has Many Names. Both the exhibition and publication provide unique if distinct overviews of the artist’s performance-based works and gestures, as well as new political, feminist, and queer readings of various artworks.
The launch will be introduced by Joanna Zielińska and Dora García. The artist will be signing books during the launch. The Girls Like US #14 – The Disappointment issue will be launched as well. The book, the magazine issue and T-shirts are for sale in our museum shop.
Sunday 7 May, 17.15
Segunda vez
The short story “Segunda vez” by Julio Cortázar is one of the most subtle narratives of the political and social climate in Argentina in the years 1976-1983, when the “National Reorganization Process” took place, a brutal dictatorship that left 30.000 people “disappeared”. The text of Cortázar, despite having all the ingredients of fantastic literature, is a very realistic description of the methods used by state terrorism in Argentina. “Segunda vez” is the basis for the short film Segunda vez: a sequence shot, filmed in real-time, in one location, focusing on dialogue and character construction.
Image: Nathan Ishar
Peter Aers, Simon Asencio, Samuel Baidoo, Persis Bekkering, Thomas Birzan, James Borniche, Geoffrey Carey, Lyn Diniz, Leen Van Dommelen, Marlene Fantoni, Charles Filch, Andrea Zavala, Folache Adriano, Wilfert Jensen, Mate Jonjic, nick von kleist, Camilo Mejía, Michelangelo Miccolis, Stine Sampers, Jelle Spruyt, Meron Verbelen